By Stephen Yellin
I have to make a confession to all of you, coming from a longtime diarist here and one who was proud to get Democracy for America's endorsement in my race for local office in New Jersey. It is with some trepidation that I write this, for I know there will be some who will say "What took you so long?" and pooh-pooh the rest of the diary. I also know that publishing this diary may hurt my attempt to work for Democratic candidates in the 2012 cycle.
Yet I must say it. I have a moral obligation to speak out on a movement that I can no longer ignore or pooh-pooh myself.
Ever since Occupy Wall Street got under way, I have been opposed to the method of activism that the 99%-ers are utilizing. No longer. I hope the OWS movement, and you, will let me into the proverbial tent that was literally torn down in New York City yesterday.